A case for employing macro and micro-influencers to create custom content for brands
By Ayush Agrawal
Today, brands require micro and macro influencers to communicate their campaign strategies effectively. Earlier Influencers used to share general information but now share their opinion on brands/products. Short and long videos have become the most effective forms of content, followed in second place by images and text in third place. Animated gifs and Livestream occupy fourth and fifth place.
Today, even a tiny influencer can generate ten times more than the big, established influencers. Doing everything on our own is expensive and will not create favorable conditions. Brand-created content does not cause a comparable outcome to influencer-created sponsored content once objectives have been communicated to them.
While many influencers are just in the middle of the influencer commerce model, there is a select category of top and micro-influencers in the center and the left, i.e., command influence and are subject matter experts. While the former will always depend on the brand for content, the latter, once a clear guideline is given to them, will be able to produce content that they amplify through their channels to their audience through their interpersonal influence, which will provide extraordinary results.
Influencing is majorly related to creating an emotional path with the audience, leading to a brand purchase decision. Nielsen Consumer Neuroscience study found that dynamic ads/content deliver 23% more upliftment in sales. A Field, IPA, and Gunn report found that emotional campaigns were 10x more efficient than rational campaigns.
Top management of most companies normally doesn’t want to see the facts about likes, comments, and engagement; they prefer revenue generated by sponsoring influencers. There are several examples where even small influencers performed so well that the top influencers failed to survive. In most of these examples, the smaller influencers created content themselves tailormade for their audience after understanding the brand goals and content guidelines.
I will conclude that collaboration is necessary for both micro and macro influencers. Identifying your channels with social and emotional tactics will give you an edge over others. But content is king, be it a macro or a top influencer. And finally, an influencer knows their audience best.